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Situace ohledně kapely Stick To Your Guns je pro náš festival a možná i pro veškerou festivalovou scénu České Republiky zkušenost, která tu ještě nebyla. Kapela je zabookovaná od léta 2020 a nikdo z nás nemohl předpokládat, že se něco takového stane po dvou letech od tohoto dojednání. Naše Crew uspořádala Fajtfest Help Ukraine, kde jsme jasně dali najevo náš postoj proti ruské agresi na Ukrajinu a náš postoj zůstává samozřejmě stejný a nic se na něm nemění. Od doby, kdy se rozjela diskuze na sociálních sítích, naše crew intenzivně hledala veškeré informace o tomto incidentu a nechtěli jsme vydat unáhlené prohlášení během pár hodin. Celá Crew došla k jednoznačnému, jednotnému názoru a musíme vyvodit důsledky. Rušíme vystoupení kapely STYG na festivalu FAJTFEST a intenzivně začínáme hledat náhradu. O náhradě Vás budeme co nejdříve informovat.
Situation about the band Stick to your guns is for our festival and maybe for all festivals in Czech republic experience, which is an experience that has not been here before. We booked the band in summer 2020 and nobody from our crew expected, what is gonna happen in two years. Our crew arranged Fajtfest Help Ukraine in May 2022, where we put statement of russian agression and invasion to Ukraine and our attitude does not change. From the time, that the discussion was on social networks, our crew searched the best information of this incident and we have not be able to make a hasty statement. The whole crew has come to a clear, united view and we must draw conclusions. We canceled the performance of group Stick to your guns on festival Fajtfest and we are looking intensively for a replacement. As soon as possible we will inform you about the replacement.
Dali jsme možnost vyjádřit se i druhé straně, jelikož každá osoba má právo na obhajobu.
Jesse statement here:
Despite what has been said about me lately I want to make clear that I do not support either Putin nor the invasion of the Ukraine. I have always tried to convey that I am anti war and the case is no different here. If I allowed that stance to get lost than please at the very least allow this to be the moment for me to make it clear. I allowed myself to get caught up in the world wind of social media posts instead of listening to the actual working families who have been affected by this and, for me, this has been my biggest regret. Furthermore, I embarrassed myself as you can see from the screenshots where I was angry and rude and instead of calmly explaining my position I unjustly lashed out. For this, I am sorry. This isn't who I am. In the future I will try to communicate in a more productive and respectful way and again, I apologize for lashing out in a frustrated and arrogant way. I can only hope that the consistency of my fight for justice holds weight for people who have been following me. I genuinely wish peace to this world that has lost its way and I'm hoping to find mine as well.
Jesse Barnett